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Blog Archive

Wednesday, September 27

Manhattan Bridge to Caymans Hedge Funds

Yes, I’m up to my old tricks by the Manhattan Bridge, taking pictures from a moving vehicle while driving. I just can’t get enough real crash, I mean realcrash.com!
Speaking of real crash, it seems the former head of the NY Federal reserve has let the proverbial cat out of the bag. William McDonough, who led the bailout of LTCM in 1998, said that the “unregulated hedge funds and derivatives may cause a crisis that is truly a mess…: (Bloomberg 9/26/06) LTCM remember was the Long Term Capital Management, that’s the operation of this psycho, I can’t remember the name, who won a Noble prize for his equation on how to model the derivative markets. Then to show how brilliant he was, he put a $4 billion hole in the financial system, which through leverage could have blown up about $1-trillion, which is why the NY Fed organized a bail out…
Meanwhile, Condi Rice is caught in her lies against Pres. Clinton and NSC’s Richard Clarke, for the Bushies idiocy, that was an invitation to Osama to do 9/11…this is nasty. As in Nasty rice. But, she needs the war so bad to secure her and Bushies investments, Condi, is giving uncle Kofi (Annan) a little more time in the matter of Iran….
Meanwhile, in the “cover your Ass” category, the investigations are blooming of crooked hedge funds. As Amaranth blows out, the Pirates at the Pirate Capital are in trouble with the SEC for not disclosing 5% share ownership in various companies.
Also in trouble are the “activist” type of hedge fund, like Kirk Kekorian, for running their usual inside/outside op, trying to take over companies by thuggery of various sorts, ,,, even GM.
So they’re telling me to drive more carefully?