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Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 29

Real Estate is a Beach

It's sure nice at the Jersey Shore. You can find out more, about these condominiums at Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. They are near Bay Head and Manasquan NJ, and one block from the beach. They are steps to New Jersey Transit, and mid-town Manhattan. If you want to keep warm in the winter, you'll have to buy something else a little further South.

I advise you to buy these if you love the (New) Jersey Shore Jersey Shore, not necessarily as an investment. On the other hand, neuh? it's better than buying beachside real estate in Bulgaria. Really, do you want a condominium in Bulgaria, even it it is still going up in value by 30% a year. That's a pretty long plane ride, and you could get in trouble with the Bulgarian mafia.

With the mortgage backed securities ready to collapse, you need to be cautious. Now Ford is hocking all their American factory real estate for $18-billion. If there is a blow out on that it is going to crash alot more. Speaking of crash, notice the dollar going down versus the Euro? That's why we need a New Bretton Woods, like my larouchepac.com friends say, to stabilize things.