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Sunday, April 22

Gore and the Futures Speculation Scam in Carbon

Al Gore's connection to ultra right wing circles, who are sponsoring
futures markets based on "carbon use rights" is beginning to drag him

April 21 -Al Gordo suddenly pulled out of the April 20
conference in Miami, sponsored by the "Poder-New America
Alliance-Green Forum," at which he was the scheduled keynote
speaker. The pretext was that he couldn't appear on the same
stage with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. Gore's staff said
it had been advised by the State Department that since Uribe is
accused of having ties to para-military groups--an attempt by his
political opposition to destabilize his government--it wouldn't
be a good idea to be seen with him in public. Gore also
cancelled his participation in the Aug. 27-29 Expogestion
exhibition in Colombia.
Far more likely is that blimpy Al is feeling the heat from
the LaRouche movement's expose of his ties to British financier
interests and genocidalist groups. Sponsored by the rabidly
free-market business grouping PODER, with the backing of former
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's Inter-American Ethanol Commission and
MacLarty-Kissinger Associates, the Miami conference was intended
to foist the ethanol/biofuel swindle on Ibero-American nations
under the guise of "uniting the hemisphere on behalf of
environmental sustainability." Not all the speakers were crazies,
but those who were included Peruvian "smash the state" lunatic
Hernando de Soto, whom George H.W. Bush once described as "my
favorite economist"; IPCC Chairman Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, and
Wal-Mart's VP for corporate strategy, Andrew Ruben. Ephraim
Halevy, the former head of the Israeli intelligence agency
Mossad, was also a scheduled speaker.
The reason given for Gore's withdrawal sparked outrage in
Colombia, where his action was characterized as an affront to
both President Uribe and the Colombian people. Numerous
political figures, including from the opposition, have rallied
against Gore, and in defense of the honor of the President and
the country, and there is now talk of holding a mass
demonstration to support Uribe in the capital, Bogota.

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