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Wednesday, June 20

Carbon Trading More Fun than Real Estate

If the real estate market and the foreclosures are getting you down, how about getting into the Carbon Exchange? Like carbon kisses in the wind, some people like to make money on nothing, as in $24 billion. That's what this Carbon Dioxide racket is about, just breathe and you are polluting! They would make money off the rain, but mother nature might need permission to take a leak! Of course Al Gore’s British controllers are making a killing already.

The City of London intends to reinforce its role as the world’s carbon-trading capital, a favorite policy of Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, who takes over from Prime Minister Tony Blair on June 27. A report from International Financial Services shows that the City of London is taking an ever-bigger share of this rapidly expanding market, as banks and brokers become more heavily involved, the {Daily Telegraph, June 19th} reported today. Already last year—even before hedge fund operator Al Gore weighed in with a worldwide propaganda campaign to push the “global warming” hoax,” London’s ICE (electronic energy) Futures market accounted for more than 80% of trading tied to the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Europe’s ETS is the biggest “emissions-swapping” swindle of its kind in the world. Total ETS volume tripled in volume and value terms to $24.4 billion, and is predicted to grow another 50% in 2007.

Remember, humans emit CO2, so the above may want to kill the reader and several other billion people for this crime. And then there are those evil rice fields belching methane. If only 3 billion people could stop eating, it would help the carbon count. Oh what a beautiful climate we have now!!!! We can't let it ever change, even if billions must die, but if it's by 2020, people have time to plan and write their will. That's not Nazi! It's just the will of Mother Nature, as interpreted by the acolytes of Margaret Mead and Bertrand Russell.

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