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Thursday, June 14

Real Estate Bubble Down, New Carbon Bubble

Even with the real estate bubble going down more and more, there is an attempt to create a new bubble around the carbon swindle. You have to buy the right to burn coal, etc. and create carbon dioxide. This is supposed to ease global warming, which is a total fraud, at least as a man-made phenomenon. In fact, over the last 10 years, the actual phenomenon of global warming has gone into a global cooling phase. That may help your real estate in Florida, though hurt it in Newfoundland (its too cold)!

An abbreviated and edited German version of the BBC film was finally shown for the first time in public on German TV to a broad audience. The private, widely seen RTL-TV station stressed explicitly, that for reasons of relevancy, the program was being aired after the just concluded G-8 summit in Heiligendamm, which had put the climate hype into the center.

The program ran most of the main elements of the BBC film, followed by a discussion between former Green environmental minister Trittin, a "leading" German meteorologist, an 'environmental economist' from the German Institute of Economics (DIW), a known Bavarian cabaretist, a leading journalist from Stern magazine, a futurologist and a Dutch climate scientist in the audience. What was completely left out of the German version however, was the whole question of genocide in the Third world as a result of the dictate to reduce CO2 emissions – and thus the moral and civilizational dimension, which is at stake. However, otherwise the whole program was quite straight forward and created a useful psychological shock in an otherwise completely brainwashed discussion in Germany.

The moderators started off by saying, that the show was put on the air "for reasons of relevancy," due to the just concluded G-8 summit, where again the fight against global warming was declared to be a priority. But, if this is just one big swindle, what then? From there, the show went through the different questions: Is this just one big swindle, what is causing global warming then, why are politicians lying to us, who is profiting from it, etc, showing most of original BBC-film clips. The discussion in the TV studio with guests, was opened by a statement from the futurologist, who exclaimed how much he liked the fact, that with this evening, "a discussion finally has been opened", and how dangerous it was to dogmatize such a discussion, playing on people's fears. Former environmental minister Trittin freaked out in the beginning, when asked what he thinks about the film's documentation. He "answered" by saying, that there were also reports in the internet, which claimed that the Americans themselves organized 9/11! After some unscientific remarks by the other two proponents of global warming, cabaretist Lisa Fitz surprisingly stated, that first and foremost, she has now had it with hysteria, reminding people of previous 'catastrophe scenarios,', lumping everything into one bag: AIDS, dying of the forests, dead birds. One would have to ask always who is profiting from these scares, referring to those "big profits," which Rumsfeld and his company made with the sale of Tamiflu. At that point, it would have been more than appropriate, to mention the Green hedge funds, Al Gore and his German friends.

The 'environmental economist' of the DIW exposed herself, speaking about what the effect would be, if "the population develops" as before, without elaborating further. She also explained, how scientific 'scenarios' are developed, which then lead to political decisions. The Dutch scientist Labohm was asked about global warming and stated plainly, that there has been a global cooling of temperatures, not a warming, in the last ten years. On this, the official meteorologist completely exposed himself, when confronted by Labohm, that he was basing himself entirely on "German warming data". Labohm ridiculed him: "You as a meteorologist must know, that this is completely irrevelant, it's the global climate, which matters!" This was a point scored, which even the most ignorant viewer could understand, who still might have been confused up to that point.

In the end, there was a vague discussion about how it does not hurt to save energy, since coal and oil will come to an end. While it was pointed out, that the 'alternative energies' are also not liked by everybody (for example, those disturbing windmills), nuclear energy was kept out of the equation completely – with frequent remarks throughout the show, that "as the film documented", it was really the nuclear industry behind the scare… This seems to be prepared as a fall-back option for the public debate. However, the moderator closed by saying that he relies on human ingenuity, which always has found solutions to previous problems. This is true – through a global Eurasian development perspective, and the massive use of nuclear energy. It is again the BüSo, which is already creating the public environment for that with an initial run of 100.000 pamphlets on the Eurasian development perspective, counterposing it to the Malthusian nature of the CO2 swindle.

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