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Friday, July 13

Real Estate and Global Warming

The Russian Dep Foreign minister commented that there might be a lot more damage to real estate and everything else, if people continuing to go cock-eyed about global warming- to the UN ECOSOS in Geneva.

July 12th, Interfax- "A new global agreement on joint action may be drafted under the United Nations' aegis before the end of 2009 with the participation of not only developed countries but also key emitters of greenhouse gases in developing states."

"...We believe that there is no reason to submit to panic and to apocalyptic scenarios of the effects of climate change. We see such changes in a long-term context that rules out emergency measures and tight restrictions on emissions of greenhouse gases that would run against the interests of economic growth and development," Yakovenko said.

"The shaping of responsible long-term approaches to climate change should not amount to hasty selective actions that may ultimately inflict much greater damage on the economy and environment than the national cataclysms that are forecast."

So the Greenland ice field is not going to slide off next year, and make a Giant Northern Atlantic Martini, drowning all the condos in Florida?

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