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Sunday, July 8

Real Estate Prospects in Siberia and Alaska

If the deal that President Putin offers is taken, it could mean a lot more than "peace in our time". It could mean the development of Alaska and Siberia around rail projects linking the hinterlands of Russia and Alaska, through the Bering Straits tunnel. Then we could have a real estate bubble in a good sense, in creating towns and mines and development prospects out of nowhere, with infrastructure development.
Of course, that may not save your real estate investments in Coastal Florida, or the Carbon futures market around the so-called man-made greenhouse effect.

The invitation to President Putin for the meeting in Kennebunkport was offered
already on April 25, when former U.S. Presidents Bush Sr. and Clinton participated in Moscow at the funeral of Boris Yeltsin, and in this context conducted intense discussions with Putin.

Exactly in this timeframe there also occurred the dialogue between Lyndon LaRouche and leading Russian scientists on the realization of the Bering Strait Tunnel as a conscious war avoidance strategy. The conference on this great project, that forsees, a nearly 100 km long tunnel under the sea, as well as 6000 km long rail connection between Siberia and Alaska, occurred on April 24, and at the same time, Putin led intensive discussions on it in his cabinet. Several days later, on April
27, Putin called for the creation of a new "strategic working
group" with the title: "USA-Russia, a Look into the Future,"
whose members included, among others, Henry Kissinger and
ex-Prime Minister Yevgeni Primakov.

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