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Friday, August 31

Where did the Crash Come From?

Who stopped the rain, and where did the crash come from? It came from the MBS. The Mortgage Backed Securities which are the second layer of the Ponzi pyramid called the housing bubble, the real estate bubble.

The mortgages crashed, you heard about that. The MBS and real estate bubble crashed too. That was a giant Ponzi scheme, including MBS bought by China and India investors. You know, Chinese Communist party billionaires bought US MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities). Foreclosures are the big business now. Countrywide Mortgage Brokers were bailed out by $11 billion, a bigger bail-out than in 1998 of LTCM. The system is finished folks. We have to create a bottom to the depression, or there will be no bottom. There will be a dark age, of collapse of home. Moves toward dictatorship and war adventures will only ACCELERATE the collapse. We need a new agreement on a no speculation financial system, and a stable dollar.

So, my patriotic flag-waving friends, cut it out. We need Russia, China, India. We cannot allow the British Empire apparatus create another Cold War. We need them, but they need us as well, because they know that if the dollar goes under, they are also broke.

And if you want to know how terrorism is really run, who is really supporting the Sunni counter-gang in Iraq. Is it Iran, no that is impossible, they are with the Shiites. It is the British Aerospace Enterprise (BAE) apparatus, together with their Saudi, and Israeli and other friends. This is not top secret, you have Amb. Khalilizad from Bush's own admin., at the UN alluding to this. Stop getting screwed by a bleepin British countergang, they have been doing this since giving booze and guns to the American Indians, to attack the Amer. colonies, before the American Revolution. Doesn't anyone read history anymore?

This is beginning to sound like the guy at a bar, with a live frog, trying to pick up a girl, telling her the frog can...do stuff... (Anybody know that one?)

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