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Monday, November 12

Do Some Bush Bashing

Note: this is a non-sponsored review of the website www.cafepress.com/beatbushgear.

One of the offerings is a Cheney-Satan bumper sticker. Frankly, I don't think that's a strong ticket. Perhaps Giuliani- and Norman Bates might have more local color. That is not a bad website, cause they link to all the move on types, even though personally I prefer larouchepac.

We still do need to impeach Cheney, since everyday he is in power means more war danger. Also, he will do nothing to freeze the unpayable mortgages, the whole real estate bubble is out of control. The crash of the real estate bubble has only just begun. Already 4 cities, including Pomona, California and Gary, Indiana, have passed resolutions supporting Congressional action on the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act. See larouchepac for details.

With the current moves of the indictment of Bernard Kerik, Giuli's crony, the self-destruction of the Giuliani campaign has begun. Does that mean that Michael Bloomberg will run for President as a Republican after all?

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