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Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 21

Right in the 'Hood

Score Tutoring Centers are amazing. I have had only good experience with them concerning my son. What is also interesting is I had a neighbor who was interested in tutoring his kid but thought that such an Innovative Tutor would only be available in the suburbs some place. Well, I had to tell him that there is a Score Tutoring Center right on Fordham Rd. by University Avenue, in the Bronx, New York. Not exactly a super ritzy suburb. So it is good to know that this innovative centers for math, reading etc. are available and around for children between the ages of 4 and 14.

The trick is to realize that for the children, little things can be difficult to absorb. I mean for an 8 year old, fractions are a big leap into the dark. Now, if I can only figure out what to do about the real estate bubble.

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