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Blog Archive

Thursday, November 22

So Sorry, Sang Elton John, about the Housing Crash

So, sorry, so sorry,
It's a sad sad situation;
Deaths from the foreclosure bubble burst;

Some death, some death;
Why don't we protect Homeowners
Protect the Bankers too, from destruction of;
the Nation, why don't youuuuuuu;

News from the Sacramento Landing website, (see link list) shows us that this ongoing death situation around the Housing bubble collapse must be dealt with. It is not enough to make symbolic gestures like Mr. Schwartznegger, the Governator.
We need the Homeowner and Banking Protection Act Now. The mortgages have to be frozen, so that the homeowners pay mere rent payments on the foreclosed housing. And the banks have to be enabled to keep open, despite demands from overseas sources, such as the Cayman Islands, to be bailed out at all costs. If this sounds a lot like what Lyndon LaRouche says, so be it. They don't call him the geezer for nothing.

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