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Blog Archive

Thursday, November 29

Trying to put some Links Up

Putting links up, when you didn't take courses in Computer stuff is really hard. I got this link from Alibris, but I don't know:

As you can see, it is a bad link. I think I could set up a lot more links and blogs and even sites, if I could understand more of this. That is my goal in making this sort of hybrid site with the latest information about the political fight of larouchepac.com, and at the same time with jokes and parodies of popular songs, to try to get some attention of people, in our other directed culture. Whether I succeed or not is doubtful, but with "a little help from my friends" I may figure it out.

Otherwise today were the hearings in the Harrisburg, Philadelphia state house, that is, the capitol of Pennsylvania. Also, the Philadelphia city council passed the memorandum to the US Congress for the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act.

There was a real fight in the hearings at the State Assembly of Pa., in Harrisburg today, with the Republicans mostly still trying to block on the breakdown of the financial system. Some of the Democrats punted as well. Meanwhile a judge from Berkes County testified on the fraudulent practices of banks and real estate companies in creating the sub-prime mortgage bubble in the first place. A social worker from Harrisburg testified, that with foreclosures up 400-percent, she and her agency do not have the resources to help these people, therefore she supports the HBPA- Homeowner Bank Protection Act. A lot more people are looking toward LaRouche and Larouchpac.com to solve these issues and give leadership.

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