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Blog Archive

Saturday, December 29

How will I Know- Mortgage Crisis- Whitney

How will I know the system is finished;
That all the banks can crash too, bad debt;
It's not just homeowners in the bung hole;
I say a prayer, with every heart beat;

How will I know, if Hillary has guts;
She knows the ARM Mortgages will blow now;
But, will she freeze the banks too, reorganize;
How will I know?????

Sen. Hillary Clinton released a campaign video on the housing crisis, entirely focused on her call for an across-the-board freeze on foreclosures, a freeze on rates of adjustable rate mortgages, and telling voters that "when they choose a President next year, choose one who would have started fixing the economy this year."

Will she take on the bankrupt banks and financial system crisis as well? Time to call larouchepac.com.

pix at http://www.foxnews.com/images/269000/0_62_houston_whitney_102806.jpg

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