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Thursday, December 6

Whole Lotta Love- Whole Lotta Crash- Led Zep

You need crash, baby I mean crash;
Let those sweet bankers steal your pension fast;
Way way down inside, you like being their victim;
They're gonna steal all your cash,
They're gonna steal all your cash,
Wanna whole lotta love;

You must love them, if you let them steal it all.

U.S Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson unveiled his grand scheme to deal with the financial crisis at the Second Annual Housing Summit on Dec. 3, with further details leaked to the Dec. 4 Washington Post by Treasury officials.

The glaring failure of the plan, as indicated by the name of the conference, is that he is treating a global, systemic financial blowout as if it were merely a housing crisis which could be dealt with by reducing mortgage defaults. Paulson knows full well that the hole blown in the financial system--emphatically including the U.S. banking system--by the collapse of the multi-layered, over-leveraged asset-backed securitization markets, goes far beyond the question of mortgages. He's just trying to rape you again with a mega bucks bailout.

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