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Friday, March 7

New York State Assembly Not Happy with Bloomberg

NY State Democrats have not been happy with mayor Bloomberg. Mayor Bloomberg, the want to be President or Vice-President of the United States, has been pushing his congestion pricing plan. This would charge anyone wanting to drive into Manhattan below 60th St or so, to be charged $8, and that is just to start. Looking at London, UK, these fees could rise rapidly once they are put in place.

There is legislation increase the tax on hedge fund managers and others who earn $1 million per year, from the current 6.85 percent to 7.7 percent, the New York Times reports. The legislation would produce $1.5 billion in its first year, from 26,000 New York State residents, for the State's General Fund, and, but its second year, the proceeds would be split between the General Fund and transportation infrastructure improvements--roads, bridges, and the New York City subway system (MTA). The Senate Republicans, whom Bloomberg has supported handsomely with donations over the past year, adamantly oppose the tax, as does Democratic Governor Elliot Spitzer, a member of Bloomberg's Rebuilding America's Future Coalition. Said Spitzer: "That [raising taxes on those who make $1 million/year] is not something we can afford to do now."

At the same time, the New York Times reported that it is none other than Mayor Bloomberg himself who is responsible for much of New York City's auto congestion. The Mayor's office has given out 142,000 (counting continues) parking permits allowing city employees to drive to work and park near their police stations, schools, etc. Bloomberg, who had promised to cut these free parking permits when he took office in 2002, instead failed to even take an inventory. Opposition is spreading to Bloomberg's new "Greenie tax." That's what you get when you believe in fantasies like Global Warming.

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