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Wednesday, March 12

A Witches Brew of Scandal- and Hillary Clinton

The instant sex scandal against now ex- Governor Spitzer of New York may have one big objective- a hit on Hillary Clinton. This could have been the plan, one never knows. This is the big drawback of this whole FBI Homeland Security operation. There are huge files on politicians. Who gets to decide who to hit?

The Boston Globe found that there was a shift to "stand pat until the primaries are over," i.e. that the superdelegates were resisting the pressure to shift from Clinton to Barack Obama. New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who endorsed Hillary Clinton in May 2007, was one of the superdelegates the Globe reported canvassing, and he said he was holding firm for Hillary Clinton. Spitzer was the state's leader among superdelegates, 42 of whom were for Clinton and only one for Obama.

The following day, March 7, Spitzer was notified by the FBI that he was to be brought down, and on March 8 the New York Times was given details to go with. The Times came out with the scandal on March 10, citing a Federal administration official "with knowledge of the governor's role" in a Federal investigation. The Times demanded Spitzer's resignation in editorials March 11 and March 12.

The Washington Post, controlled by Rohatyn-Lazard, "signalled" in a piece this morning that Senator Clinton and former President Bill Clinton should be asked repeatedly, while campaigning, about the Spitzer case. The Post spewed its venom on Clinton by presenting the Spitzer as a "bad-luck charm" for her.

The resignation of Admiral Fallon, a critique of Dick Cheney's Iran war strategy is another reminder of "other ways" of doing politics.

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