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Saturday, April 19

Mugabe against the British Real Estate Grab

Why doesn't the whores of the media tell the truth? The attempt to oust Mugabe of Zimbabwe in an "election" is nothing but a giant real estate grab. Here read this slug from larouchepac:

Mugabe Tells 15,000 Cheering Supporters: 'Down With the British'
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April 18, 2008 (LPAC)--Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe blistered the British at an Independence Day rally attended by 15,000 in Gwanzura Stadium, Harare today. Some excerpts follow.

"Today, we hear the British saying there's no democracy here.... We, and not the British, established democracy on the basis of one man, one vote.... We brought it through the gun.... Beware. Be vigilant in the face of the vicious machinations of Britain and its allies. Yesterday they ruled by brute force. Today they have perfected their tactics to a more subtle form by using money literally to buy some people to turn against their government. We are being bought like livestock.... What a shame that you are accepting to be bought so cheaply when we have a painful colonial history which should teach us otherwise.... Freedom did not come on a silver plate. Zimbabwe was once usurped by imperialists who seized it like robbers, but we got it back and we are proud to be Zimbabweans, not Rhodesians; Africans, not British. We were incarcerated and died for this country during the liberation struggle.... We should not let our children down by dropping our guard against imperialism, British imperialism, which is surreptitiously and clandestinely weaving its way through our society, trying to divide us." The opposition wants Zimbabwe to "go back to white people, to the British." [In the 2002 election, the opposition MDC explicitly allied itself with the European -- mainly British -- commercial farmers.] "Zimbabwe will never be a colony again. Never shall we retreat.... Down with the British. Down with the thieves who want to steal our country...."

Perhaps the reason they cannot get their Orange revolution apparatus in the street is that the British whores faked large parts of the election.

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