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Friday, October 10

Paulson's Gone Nuts, Wants to Bailout Hedge Funds

Paulson wants to bailout things, and creatures such as investment banks, insurers and hedge funds.
“I don't wish to spread alarm on the line people but the big issue confronting the market is I'm afraid the health and sustainability of Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS - News) and Goldman Sachs (NYSE: gs)," Hugh Hendry, Partner and CIO at Eclectica said "It is unimaginable that they can be allowed to go, I suspect that they will be nationalized at some point today or over the weekend,"

This is so insane, that it may be necessary to throw Paulson, Bernancke and Bush into the loony bin as soon as possible, and for their own safety.

They don't seem to have the authority to do this crap. Better to cancel all of the derivative contracts, and shut down the global casino. These are the derivative side bets of bonds, stocks, currency exchanges, home mortgages, real estate, etc. How about listening to Lyndon LaRouche instead.

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