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Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 4

Can You Get a Loan?

When you look at your personal finance do you need a loan? Take a look at a web site that my friends have pointed out, Money Now USA! These people can find you a loan. They have real loans with interest rates of 5% to 20% that you pay back over 1-4 years. Some of these loans that are over $10,000 are going to require a home equity loan, so be careful, you know what is at stake.

The other type of loan that you can get is a payday loan. Pay day loans are fairly small, that is about the size of a paycheck. They are also at higher interest rates and are paid back in a shorter time. Now, if you have a large interest rate you have to pay it back in a short time, unless you want the debt to pyramid. Debt pyramids seems to be the reason that the real estate market and many loan markets have gone bad, so it is a definite no-no.

This website seeks out the best lender for you. When taking a loan, as we say in New York City, look at your possibilities. Is this money something that you need right now, and that you can pay back and get over? Don't make the mistake of gettting a loan that you can't handle.

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