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Sunday, March 29

Obama Gotta go for Bankruptcy says Krugman

Time to issue a trillion for real contracts. And hey, President Obama, we are being cruel to be kind, because we want to save your administration and save the United States. Paul Krugman the Nobel Prize winner and columnist for the New York Times, has pointed out that the so-called Geitner Plan to buy up the toxic waste assets is insane. We need a bankruptcy reorganization now. This crap, this $1 trillion in toxic waste, credit derivatives, mortgage backed securities, etc. is not misunderstood, it is crap, as in the new toilet paper. It is worth nothing or close to nothing. Time for the bankruptcy reorganization and the Crime investigation for the corpses. Don't BS, just give me the money. There are lots of things to build, from cheap nuclear energy, to high speed rail and maglev trains. Do it, Obama baby. Time to throw Hedge Fund cultist , Larry Summers to the wolves, and out of the administration.

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