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Monday, June 1

GM Bankruptcy the Wrong Way

It's a GM bankruptcy the wrong way. This bankruptcy has only served the function of another bailout of the bankrupt financial system, starting with GMAC. Oddly, there are even links to the most degraded financiers to the General Motors bankruptcy. This includes the shadowy operator Mr. Ezra Merkin, who through his Gabriel Capital Corp. was channeling money to Cerebrus, one of the speculators involved in tearing GMAC apart. Mr. Merkin's other client was the infamous ponzi club schemer, Bernard Madoff. On the other side of the deal are so-called legit operators whose actions have had evil effects on the US economy, such as Felix Rohatyn, formally of Lehman Brothers. This is some of the same players in the real estate bubble.

The only solution to form a national infrastructure corporation, and used the idle plant and machine tools to make necessary infrastructure, from high speed rail to locks and dams.

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