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Thursday, July 2

The System is Bankrupt

The geezer is right, the system is bankrupt. We need, largely, for nations to undertake long-term credit operations, in terms of infrastructure development, both rural and industrial, and use this kind of development as a stimulus for developing a full-spectrum economy, with 30- to 50-year long-term agreements on treaty agreements for development, each conducted by sovereign nations, but a sharing of credit from a common credit system, meaning going back to a fixed-exchange-rate credit system among governments. For example, let's take the case of China, which was lured into the idea that it was going to have a world market, guaranteed by the United States and the British, but they did that by pricing their goods so cheaply that China could not sustain its entire population on that export economy.

So now the game is over. If we continue this insane system, from the real estate bubble to the foreclosed houses to the bankrupt slave labor industries of China, etc, then civilization is over.

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