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Sunday, August 1

Dont Believe the Frameup of Charlie Rangel

Don't believe the frameup of Harlem NY longtime Congressman, Charlie Rangel. Lanny Davis, former aide to President Bill Clinton and a
former attorney for Rep. Rangel, makes a similar point in a
column in {The Hill}, which asks, "Have we learned nothing from
the recent rush-to-judgment travesty of Shirley Sherrod?"
Davis points out that all that has happened so far is that
the staff of the House Ethics Committee -- not even the full
Committee -- has voted out charges against Rangel. "Yet for the
last week and really ever since, Rangel was tried and convicted
in many of the nation's leading newspapers, based on reporting
and editorials that drew conclusions from allegations without
waiting for Rangel's full response with rules of evidence and due
process of law, Republicans and commentators have been demanding
that he resign from office, based on those newspaper stories and
editorials alone."
Davis notes that reporters and commentators are loosely
throwing around the word "corruption" -- which usually implies
intentional misconduct, for personal financial gain -- even
before the charges were issued. But if Rangel's actions were
honest mistakes of judgment, or carelessness, then they do not
constitute "corruption."

Time to stop the corruption of Obama and British Financial Empire.

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