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Friday, December 24

For a Real Economic Recovery in the USA

Here in the Bronx NY, we want a real economic recovery. That means we gotta get the Glass Steagall now to defend deposit banking and stop the bailout of the mega-banks and their speculation. Secondly, now to get an actual recovery
going, bailout the states, won't do it. So therefore, you have a
third measure to take in this process, and that is, NAWAPA.
Because, by {again} using Federal credit, the Federal credit of
NAWAPA means, that we will begin immediately, to put the shovels
into the dirt. We will assemble the organization, and {make the
commitments}, to build the organization necessary.
We will build two elements of this organization: One
element is NAWAPA itself. The other element is the production
materials, semi-finished, finished materials and so forth, which
are needed, to {build} NAWAPA. That means that, though we're
going into the Western states, largely west of the 20-inch
rainfall line for NAWAPA itself, all the way up through Canada
and to Alaska, but at the same time, we have to get the materials
which are going to be used, and the components to be used for the
installation. Including an emergency committee on nuclear power,
to get that thing back functioning.
So therefore, we're going to put together, what will amount
to {4 million jobs in fast order.} Those are the three steps,
needed, to the United States back into the game of solvency. Our
doing that will have a catalytic effect on the world. First of
all, there will be joy, in China. There will be a sigh, of
quiet, dignified relief, in India, with some secret jubilation.
The Korea situation will be straightened out. Japan will be
begging to joint everything. Korea will be happy.

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