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Blog Archive

Sunday, February 20

Demonstrations in Wisconsin and NAWAPA

The demonstrations in Wisconsin are nice, but when do you get to stopping the bank bailout, and to get Glass-Steagall and to build NAWAPA, the water from Alaska project? Yeah, then you get to Glass-Steagall, then you get to the
NAWAPA process. But if you don't go through, what is the
meaning, of {pushing through Glass-Steagall, right now} -- {the
future does not exist.} Therefore, how can you present an idea
of a better future as a goal, if you don't present the means, by
which that goal is reached? The goal that has to be reached, is
the Glass-Steagall Act. And the Angelides Report was important in
the sense that it {reinforced} the authority, of Glass-Steagall.
But without the Glass-Steagall mentality, you can't win, and we
get the Glass-Steagall mentality, where? Only on the state
level! On the congressional level? No! Only on the state level.

And what you're seeing essentially in Wisconsin, in the
teachers and other actions, is, you're seeing exactly that: What
they're really looking for is Glass-Steagall. That's obvious.
That's the solution. So Glass-Steagall {is} the starting point.
But the question is, "Well, if we win, what're we going to
do with it?" Ah! Now, you got NAWAPA!

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