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Thursday, May 5

The Simpsons Homer the Great

Thanks for the post from Darrick Moreno

Homer the Great is an episode of the Simpsons television show better known as the Stonercutter's episode. This episode can be seen on the premium networks of satellite tv from DIRECTSTARTV.COM and is one of the best out there. The episode seed Homer realize Lenny and Carl have better chairs, parking space, and belong to a secret society.

The stonecutters are supposed to be a reference to the Freemasons, but even one with limited knowledgeable about them can find utmost hilarity in this episode. Before Homer finds out about the secret society the episode features a hilarious back and forth from Lenny and Carl. Homer asks a question to which Lenny replie! s "It's a secret", to which Carl interjects "Shut up." At one point Homer asks Lenny something when only he is around and Homer tells him to shut up.

This secret society has Mr.Burns as a subservient member to Lenny, which amazes Homer. Homer is going to be banished from the group for being slovenly, but when he is stripped nude they find a birthmark indicating that he is their chosen one. Homer changes the group so far that all of the members from a "No Homer's" club.

The stonecutters devolves into Homer and several chimps until Marge convinces him to leave saying he's a member of the Simpsons and it's good enough. The family then proceeds to paddle and initiate him like the stonecutters had previously done.

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