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Blog Archive

Monday, March 12

Little People

Guest post from: Winston Stewart

Have you ever seen that new show called the Little People in the Big World or something like that? I’m not sure what channel or time it is on, I’d have to check www.expertsatellite.com, but it is a pretty inspiring show. It’s a show about little people (used to be called dwarfs or midgets, I think), and the struggles they face due to their size. The main characters that I saw were this married couple who were both doctors, but they were like three feet tall. It followed them through their day, and documented all the struggles and obstacles they encountered because of how small they were. You don’t realize it, but the world is totally set up for grownups of a certain height and it is tough to get around and maneuver if you aren’t that height. Things like elevator buttons and grocery debate card machines, etc, are a certain height and it was sad to see how much these people have to deal with just to go about their day to day business.

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