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Blog Archive

Thursday, April 19

Enviromentalism as a Giant Real Estate Grab

Environmentalism just one huge real estate grab? It is sort of like Cheney's grab of Iraq, and so on. You find an excuse, a lie like the Global Warming Swindle, and then you make rules and policies for all land use.

Will the Pied-Piper Al gore, and his British Royal friend's fraud be stopped? That is something that on the one hand, the baby-boomers aged about 50 to 65 have to decide, but is that actually the case? The energy to get this fight going comes from thinking young men and women aged about 18 to 35, as the new generation of political leaders.

The additional problem is that all this talk of apocalypse of the environment is spreading pessimism and suicidal, homicidal rage. That plus gun training video games may behind more "zombie killers" like the case at Virginia Tech this week.

What is the problem with Baby Boomers, also known as Baby Doomers? It is their addiction to the axioms of the 68ers and their famous lust for destruction for the joy of destruction's sake. When I say 68ers, I am referring to the famous international riots in the United States, France, Germany, etc., the so-called Youth Riots. The excuse was the Vietnam War, but this became an obsession to smash "the system".

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