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Thursday, July 5

Can't Bear it No More-- Hotel Reservations?

Yes, it is going to be a mess. The real estate collapse in the subprime market has now hit the hedge funds. Bear Stearns hedge fund will hit everything, and the collapse will get ugly, when the CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations) blow. Which may mean it is time to go on a good vacations.

What would make a vacation more beautiful than Hotel Discounts? Not much I guess. This website I was looking at, hotelreservations.com, it really has a nice organization. You hit the little ads on the side bars, and they look like the usual google adsense nonsense, but they take to a more specified part of the site. Say, after you look at the opening page hoopla for a while, next you look at what you like. In my case that was bed and breakfasts. Low and behold you hit the button, and you get a list of cities in which to get reservations for a bed and breakfast. Would you like to go to a bed-n-breakfast in Anaheim, California, you got it! Or how about Belmar, NJ, on the Jersey shore, which is actually more appealing. It is only $129. One room for two (consenting) adults, per night, not bad.

And then the site has these little sidebars answering all your little questions. Like what is the "special internet rate"? Well, the answer is that it is the rate that saves you a lot of money. Then they have a question, "What do the stars mean"? That's very important, because I knew that five stars was the best, but then I thought that one star was "chookah". But, no, not at all. One star means a smaller, often more personable hotel, which may not be a Las Vegas style showplace, but could be a perfectly good place to stay.

Also, you have to see the site for yourself, but they do promise Hotel Discounts. They also have condo rentals, if you want to go on a nice long vacation. And you will definitely have to check out the Hotel Reservations "Club"... sounds neat. Discount club membership. In case you are on the Bear Stearns hedge fund management, and you have a sudden need to travel....like around the world!

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