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Blog Archive

Thursday, July 5

There are some Good Blogs- even on Economics

I got turned on by www.angrybear.blogspot.com . It seemed a refreshing blog. Not my stuff, but still stuff I could respond to. With the real estate bubble poppoing , and Bear Stearns having their hedge funds crash, it's like, apres moi, le deluge? You know what I mean? Like, were the real men in Black the BAE (British Aerospace )guys? I mean $2 billion in bribes to prince Banda-thieves of Saudi fame is bad enough, but a $200 billion slush fund?

Has anyone out in Blog land wondered, if somehow this "Free enterprise, globalization deal" got out of control, could anyone actually "buy" the planet?

After all, with $200-billion in cash with the "Men in Black", over 20 years if they have inside deals with people in New York, Chicago and London, they could multiply that many times over. If some governments like Iran, or Russia or China don't want to kowtow to the cash, why not just nuke em.

If nationalistic Americans don't want to do it, why not have a nice little 9-11 mega-terr disaster? Then they will get along and go along. Think about it.

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