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Saturday, July 28

Does Hillary Clinton Got What it Takes?

We have to find someone with guts to stop the fall into the Malstrom. With the real estate and leveraged buyout markets on the knife edge, we may be running out of time.I had a conversation with an old woman, of at least 80-years old, about whether it was worthwhile to continue to be political. She complained that no one actually cared what the Bush administration did, that she DID care to a large extent, but there was really nothing you could do about it. That was why, what my friends were talking about was a totally ridiculous idea, and why bother to do anything about the situation, why bother to invest any money in it. She explained that she was a poor person, and that no one care what she said or thought.
I thought this was slightly ironic in that Estelle, a widow, lived a rather comfortable existence in a quiet haven of luxury amid the urban jungle. She in her usual resentful and humorous way would refer to the same as, "a dump in Riverdale (Bronx, NY)".
That may be the case, yet I personally would stick with the first description. I answered her that at the time of the U.S. Constitution, that might have seemed to be a somewhat ridiculous document. But, Estelle asked, "it talks about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What hapiness is it to me whether anything changes with these bums in Washington". On the other hand, " I could try to change something, and see if it actually made me happy. If it does, perhaps I'll like it, and try to do it again..."
Now we have to get Hillary Clinton to think that way about demanding the impeachment or ouster of Dick Cheney, Bush's controller, now.

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