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Monday, September 24

The Secret of Sucessful Bankers

Buy worthless stocks at inflated prices and get the government to bail you out! Ah well, that's why they get the big bucks and the rest of us watch in awe of their brilliance...more at thepoliticalbrief.com

Next, the fear is sooo much money will be printed, so much credit issued that the dollar will collapse. Since, everyone is in the dollar, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Europeans, that is the end. That is the 1923 German hyperinflation, but for the world, with no powerful outsiders to fix it. That is why I continue to ask people to look at my friend's stuff. So, Countrywide was bailed out for $25 billion already, for all the bad real estate deals. Was it worth it? The money was channeled through Citibank, etc.

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