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Sunday, November 4

Fiddling About with Real Estate and Carbon Dioxide

I'm the wicked Dr. Hansen;;
You may not get to see or hear me;;
As I fiddle about;;

I told you the ocean's rising;;
But that's a Hollywood nightmare;;
That my computer invented;;

(Fiddling About, the Who, Tommy, pix at http://www.theatermania.com/news/images/8477a.jpg)showing how global warming is total BS. Dr. James Hansen (the slut) has been making his career pushing this crap, and he did again to Congress. Obviously, his lies and BS are just accelerating, as his grasp on any semblance of reality rapidly lessens. In his current "testifying" at Congress for the Church of Global Warming, he claims, that if the seas rised (1 mm) then man would never be able to adapt. I guess he is concerned about the 3 inches of real estate he owns on the beach in Miami, Florida, say in South Beach. What an idiot!!!

Sherwood and Craig Idso also points out at James Hansen (the slut) also said that as long as human beings exist, there can never be an Ice Age again, because we would just spray some CFCs under our arm, and that would solve the (ice age) probleml. Yeah, right!

See the Idso report

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