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Tuesday, November 6

Frank Sinatra, on Strange Crashes in the Night

Strange crashes tonight;;
Without real value;;
They're at Goldman Sachs;;
And up a piling;;
CDOs and plenty of weird MBS;;

Will they soon admit;;
They have no profit;;
$72 billion in bad debt;;
They could choke on it;;
Since they're never traded, no one knows what they're worth!!!!!!

Meanwhile in a program, in New York State;;
They spent 100 million to save the poor irate;;
They tried to bail out the mortgages, but only nothing happened;;
They did not save 500 or 5 people, but only One;;

Rip-offs in the night;; Listen to the Geezer;;
Lynn Cannot run for President;;
But, what's the difference;;
If you want the truth, dial Lyndon LaRouuuuuuu!

http://www.iankenny.com/IanKenny/ HTM/George%20Ioannou/NewRatPa ck.htm
(songs of the crash, Strangers in the Night)

With talk of $46 billion being injected into the US banking system by the Federal Reserve just last week (some say just on Thursday), the hyperinflation is kicking in. How can they say there is not inflation? With oil hitting $100 a barrel shortly? Someone has to run for President and say they truth about this. Until that happens, war or no war, we are sunk as a nation. (Of course more war will destroy us faster).
But isn't that what the heirs of the British Empire want?

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