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Sunday, November 18

A Misunderstanding? or a Genocide Genesis?

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So you think there is some of misunderstanding;
There must be some kind of mistake;
They're predicting six feet of water;
That's a fake;

The IPCC mafia just wants an excuse;
To kill and torture billions it seems;
What do you expect from the scientists of the oligarchy;
Filling in some Bertrand Russell, British Dream;;

How can these crazies at the IPCC actually threaten us with the fantasy of six foot waves and be taken seriously. Remember my friends that YOU emit Carbon Dioxide too. Maybe, they want to eliminate you? Did you ever think about that?

Plus, as is well known , CO2 is a kind of gaseous fertilizer, more of which will make plants grow throughout the world. Without CO2, plant life and animal life would not exist on the planet Earth. Some pollutant.

Sherwood Idso and company have shown that from the astro-physical data, even with a doubling of CO2 (which by the way, may never happen), there would only be a maximum theoretical increase in temp of an average of 0.4-degrees Celsius. And water vapor would tend to LOWER it, by making cloud cover. The basic fraud of the IPCC, is they take a little bit of theoretical warming, and then amplify it by a factor or 10 or more, by saying the extra water vapor from the small degree of temperature rise would amplify the temperature rise by that much. Make sense? It does to a computer. They call that garbage in, garbage out.

Perhaps, they lost so much money on Florida real estate, that the scientists and politicians of the IPCC (Intenational Piss Crisis Committee) are worried about loosing 3-inches more of Miami shoreline.

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