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Blog Archive

Monday, February 25

Got to try to get it in your head- It's Over

Got to try to get it in your head;
It's over it's over;
The bubble not coming back, bankruptcy instead;
It's over, it's over;
That can be a real good thing;
Save the people, and the physical economy instead;

You really have got to see this Firewall movie, at the Larouche Pac website. It's 84 minutes long, but you don't have to download it, you can livestream it, if you have a decent computer and internet connection. I can really see now, how if we don't put the economic system through a bankruptcy reorganization. We have Mayor Bloomberg on New York, and possible Presidential Candidate, who is pushing with his international League of City friends, a sort of Venetian City-State solution to the bankrupt economy. Let a few mega-cities thrive, and turn everything else back to the Dark Ages. That is Bloomberg's basic approach.

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