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This policy is valid from 20 February 2011. http://harlemlook.net is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

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Blog Archive

Sunday, February 24

The Joys of Smorty

A new way to get paid for blogging is joining the service known as Smorty, or Smorty.com. Smorty is neat, in that it is very well organized. You get the topics that you want to talk about, and you get to blog for money. In these tight money days, and the tight economy, for people who have to stay home and watch their kids, for example, that can be very useful.

To get paid for blogging, all you have to do is join their service by logging on to their website and registering. It's that simple. And some of the topics that they want to advertise about are quite interesting. You get to learn new things while making at least a little coffee money, and over time it can add up.

So, I really recommend you try it out.blog advertising is just as a respectable way to make money as to write in a newspaper, or sell ads for a newspaper. It might be more respectable, considering how papers can also be beholden to their advertisers.

Brought to you by my friends at Smorty.

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