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Thursday, February 9

Hey Bronx, World War Baby

Hey Bronx NY, we may be facing World War, baby. And I don't mean maybe. Luckily the LaRouchePac guys are speaking out and the word is getting out in Washington DC that Obama is crazy. Take that guy out with the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. Capitol Hill Forum on Arab Awakening Takes Up World War III Danger February 9, 2012 • 8:52AM Two Washington-based organizations, the International Council for Middle East Studies (ICMES) and the Center for the National Interest Foundation (CNI), hosted a standing-room-only Capitol Hill event on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 7, featuring presentations by former Ambassador Chas Freeman and former National Intelligence Council Middle East director Paul Pillar. While the topic of the event was the Arab Awakening, much of the dialogue centered on the failures of U.S. foreign policy and the danger of a war, triggered by an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Both speakers, particularly Ambassador Freeman, warned of the dire consequences of an Israeli or American attack on Iran, and emphasized that there is already a covert war underway against the Islamic Republic, involving assassinations, bombings, cyber attacks, etc. Similarly, the speakers acknowledged that there is a foreign-backed covert war being waged against the Assad government in Syria. In response to a final question from Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Ambassador Freeman acknowledged that both Russia and China were being drawn into the Persian Gulf conflict, and that both countries had vital strategic interests that were being challenged by the behavior of the United States and their European and Arab allies. While acknowledging the danger of a broader war, triggered by attacks on Iran, both speakers were less inclined to see the imminent threat of a global war, involving the U.S., Russia and China and the use of nuclear weapons. The moderator of the panel discussion, Peter Kelly, is the director of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), an NGO that sends election observers around the world. He reported that his organization had successfully registered with the Egyptian government, and had placed monitors at polling stations around the country for the recent parliamentary elections. He chastised the other NGOs, whose people are now being detained in Egypt, for arrogantly failing to register with the Egyptian government.

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